
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Promise vs. Biology.  Family can grow through genetics shared with relatives through birth: biological children, parents, siblings, grandparents and so on.  No matter what happens in life the genetic connection remains and nothing can erase that permanency.

Family can also grow through promise.  Marriage is an example of this and so is adoption.  Both are legal ties.  The union of marriage(among other things)is to provide a loving and caring family for both man and wife.   

Gum on a wall somewhere in Seattle. Do you see why this picture can make sense on this blog?
On our wedding day we both publicly declared our decision to devote our love to each other “till death do us part.”  The decision to adopt was made by both of us, prayerfully we decided go forward, and patiently we now  wait.  Together we promise to devote our love to a child and provide a loving and God honoring home.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Us by

We are done with all the paper work and our “dear birth-family letter” is finally on-line.  This is the very important letter that the birth mother/family reads then chooses their favorite couple.  We never really know when someone is considering us, but we are continually praying for them and that little baby somewhere.  We had so much help with this letter.  THANK YOU!!  Many of you helped proof read and edit, and one local photographer offered her expertise.  If you want to check out her work go to she really is amazing.  Thank you again!!
We feel like captured a lot of our journey in this one.


 At this moment we are in the waiting phase, so we plan to do some fundraising!  Yep, that means another garage sale!  We are probably going to have that monster sale in the spring in Springerville …after all who doesn’t love a garage sale?

 April is also making little crafts that we hope will start selling at a local store.  She is crocheting Swiffer covers and dish towels among other things.  Each one takes about 2 hours to complete so she is also experimenting with other ideas.  Got any?

Just being silly.
We are so comforted in knowing that God has lead us to be part of this adoption agency at this exact time in history.  We plan to continue following Him every step of the way and would love for you to join our adoption journey by praying for us every time you think of us.